$safe_num && $safe_num !== 0)printerror('您已经被限制登陆!'); /****************************************************************/ /* 用户登录函数 */ /* */ /* 需要浏览器开启Cookies才可使用 */ /****************************************************************/ if ($_COOKIE['user'] != $user || $_COOKIE['pass'] != md5($pass)) { if (htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['user']) == $user && htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['pass']) == $pass) { setcookie('user',$user,time()+60*60*24*1); setcookie('pass',md5($pass),time()+60*60*24*1); }else{ if (htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['user']) == $user || htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['pass'])) $er = true; login($er); exit; } } /****************************************************************/ /* function maintop() */ /* */ /* 控制站点的样式和头部内容 */ /* $title -> 顶部标题 $showtop -> 是否显示头部菜单 */ /****************************************************************/ function maintop($title,$showtop = true) { global $meurl,$sitetitle,$op; echo "\n\n\n\n" ."$sitetitle - $title\n" ."\n" ."\n"; $back=($op!=='home')?$back = "
  • 返回 ".$_SESSION['folder']."
  • \n":$back = ''; echo "

    \n"; if ($showtop) {//头部菜单内容 if($op=='up'||$op=='upload'||$op=='yupload')$up = "class='curr'";if($op=='home'||$op =='edit'||$op =='ren'||$op =='unz')$home = "class='curr'";if($op=='cr'||$op=='create')$cr = "class='curr'";if($op=='allz'||$op=='allzip')$allz = "class='curr'";if($op=='sqlb'||$op=='sqlbackup')$sqlb = "class='curr'";if($op=='ftpa'||$op=='ftpall')$ftpa = "class='curr'";if($op=='kill'||$op=='killme')$kill = "class='curr'"; echo ""; } echo "
    \n"; } /****************************************************************/ /* function login() */ /* */ /* 登录验证 $user and md5($pass) */ /* 需要浏览器支持Cookie */ /****************************************************************/ function login($er=false) { global $meurl,$op,$safe_num,$mail; setcookie("user","",time()-60*60*24*1); setcookie("pass","",time()-60*60*24*1); maintop("登录",false); if ($er) { if (isset($_SESSION['error'])){ $_SESSION['error']++; if($_SESSION['error'] > $safe_num && $safe_num !== 0){ mail($mail,'FileBox文件管理器提醒:文件被恶意登录!','该提醒来自FileBox:
    登录者IP为:'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],'From: '); echo ('ERROR: 您已经被限制登陆!'); exit; } }else{ $_SESSION['error'] = 1; } echo "用户名或密码错误!
    \n"; } echo "
    \n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function home() */ /* */ /* Main function that displays contents of folders. */ /****************************************************************/ function home() { global $os, $meurl ,$folder, $ufolder; $content1 = ""; $content2 = ""; $folder = gCode($folder); if(opendir($folder)){$style = opendir($folder);}else{printerror("目录不存在!\n");exit;} $a=1;$b=1; if($folder)$_SESSION['folder']=$ufolder; maintop("主页"); echo ''; echo "
    \n"; while($stylesheet = readdir($style)) { $ufolder = $folder; $sstylesheet = $stylesheet; if($os!=='windows'):$qx = "";$xx='';else:$qx = '';$xx='';endif; if ($stylesheet !== "." && $stylesheet !== ".." ) { $stylesheet = uCode($stylesheet); $folder = uCode($folder); $trontd = "\n"; if (is_dir(gCode($folder.$stylesheet)) && is_readable(gCode($folder.$stylesheet))) { $content1[$a] = "$trontd\n" ."\n" ."" ."\n" .$rename ."\n" .$qx."\n"; $a++; $folder = gCode($folder); }elseif(!is_dir(gCode($folder.$stylesheet)) && is_readable(gCode($folder.$stylesheet))){ $arr = explode('.',$folder.$stylesheet); $arr = end($arr); if($arr == 'zip'){#判断是否是zip文件 $filesizeme = filesize($ufolder.$sstylesheet); $content2[$b] = "$trontd\n" ."\n" ."" ."\n" .$rename ."\n" .$qx."\n"; }elseif($arr == 'gif'||$arr == 'jpg'||$arr == 'png'||$arr == 'bmp'||$arr == 'png5'||$arr == 'psd'||$arr == 'webp'||$arr == 'gz'||$arr == 'gzip'){ $filesizeme = filesize($ufolder.$sstylesheet); $content2[$b] = "$trontd\n" ."\n" ."" ."\n" .$rename ."\n" .$qx."\n"; }else{ $filesizeme = filesize($ufolder.$sstylesheet); $content2[$b] = "$trontd\n" ."\n" ."" ."\n" .$rename ."\n" .$qx."\n"; } $b++; $folder = gCode($folder); } } } closedir($style); $lu = explode('/', $_SESSION['folder']); array_pop($lu); $u = ''; echo '
    '; foreach ($lu as $v) { $u = $u.$v.'/'; if($v=='.'){$v='主页';}elseif($v==''){$v='根目录';} echo ''.$v.' ? '; } echo "文件\n" ."",$a-1," 个文件夹 ",$b-1," 个文件" ."
    "; if($os!=='windows'):$qx = "
    \n";else:$qx = '';endif; echo "" ."" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" .$qx .""; if($_SESSION['folder']!="./" and $_SESSION['folder']!="/"){ $last = (substr($_SESSION['folder'],0,1)=='/')?explode('/', substr($_SESSION['folder'],1,-1)):explode('/', substr($_SESSION['folder'],2,-1)); $back = (substr($_SESSION['folder'],0,1)=='/')?'':substr($_SESSION['folder'],0,1); array_pop($last); foreach ($last as $value) { $back = $back.'/'.$value; } if($os=='windows')$qx="";else $qx=""; echo "$xx"; } for ($a=1; $a"; echo "
    ".substr(sprintf('%o',fileperms($ufolder.$sstylesheet)), -3)."
    "; $rename = "??重命名{$stylesheet}".Size(dirSize($folder.$stylesheet))."打开??查看
    文件名 / 类型 / 时间
    "; mainbottom(); } function gettime($filename){return "修改时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",filemtime($filename))."\n"."创建时间:".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",filectime($filename));} function uCode($text){return mb_convert_encoding($text,'UTF-8','GBK');} function gCode($text){return mb_convert_encoding($text,'GBK','UTF-8');} function dirSize($directoty){ $dir_size=0; if($dir_handle=opendir($directoty)) { while($filename=readdir($dir_handle)){ $subFile=$directoty.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename; if($filename=='.'||$filename=='..'){ continue; }elseif (is_dir($subFile)) { $dir_size+=dirSize($subFile); }elseif (is_file($subFile)){ $dir_size+=filesize($subFile); } } closedir($dir_handle); } return ($dir_size); } // 计算文件大小的函数 function Size($size) { $sz = ' kMGTP'; $factor = floor((strlen($size) - 1) / 3); return ($size>=1024)?sprintf("%.2f", $size / pow(1024, $factor)) . @$sz[$factor]:$size; } function curl_get_contents($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $r = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $r; } /****************************************************************/ /* function up() */ /* */ /* First step to Upload. */ /* User enters a file and the submits it to upload() */ /****************************************************************/ function up() { global $meurl, $folder; maintop("上传"); echo "
    \n" ."
    本地上传 Max:".ini_get('upload_max_filesize').",".ini_get('max_file_uploads')."个
    \n" ."
    \n"; echo "

    \n" ."" ."
    \n"; echo "
    " ."
    " ."
    \n" ."" .""; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function yupload() */ /* */ /* Second step in wget file. */ /* Saves the file to the disk. */ /* Recieves $upfile from up() as the uploaded file. */ /****************************************************************/ function yupload($url, $folder, $unzip, $delzip) { global $meurl; if(empty($folder)){ $folder="./"; } $nfolder = $folder; $nurl = $url; $url = gCode($url); $folder = gCode($folder); if($url!==""){ ignore_user_abort(true); // 要求离线也可下载 set_time_limit (24 * 60 * 60); // 设置超时时间 if (!file_exists($folder)){ mkdir($folder, 0755); } $newfname = $folder . basename($url); // 取得文件的名称 if(function_exists('curl_init')){ $file = curl_get_contents($url);file_put_contents($newfname,$file); }else{ $file=fopen($url,"rb"); if($file){$newf = fopen ($newfname, "wb"); if($newf)while (!feof($file)) {fwrite($newf, fread($file, 1024 * 8), 1024 * 8);}} if($file)fclose($file); if($newf)fclose($newf); } maintop("远程上传"); echo "
    文件 ".basename($url)." 上传成功
    \n"; $end = explode('.', basename($url)); if((end($end)=="zip") && isset($unzip) && $unzip == "checkbox"){ if(class_exists('ZipArchive')){ echo "您可以 访问文件夹 或者 返回目录 或者 继续上传\n"; echo "
    '; }else{ echo('此服务器上的PHP不支持ZipArchive,无法解压文件!
    '); } }else{ echo "您可以 访问文件夹 或者 编辑文件 或者 返回目录 或者 继续上传\n"; } mainbottom(); return true; }else{ printerror ('文件地址不能为空。'); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function upload() */ /* */ /* Second step in upload. */ /* 将文件保存到磁盘中 */ /* Recieves $upfile from up() as the uploaded file. */ /****************************************************************/ function upload($upfile,$ndir,$unzip,$delzip) { global $meurl, $folder; if(empty($ndir)){ $ndir="./"; } $nfolder = $folder; $nndir = $ndir; $ndir = gCode($ndir); if (!$upfile) { printerror("您没有选择文件!"); exit; }elseif($upfile) { maintop("上传"); if (!file_exists($ndir)){ mkdir($ndir, 0755); } $i = 1; echo "
    您可以 前往文件所上传到的目录 或者 返回目录 或者 继续上传
    \n"; echo ''; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件!"); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function allz() */ /* */ /* First step in allzip. */ /* Prompts the user for confirmation. */ /* Recieves $dename and ask for deletion confirmation. */ /****************************************************************/ function allz() { global $meurl, $folder; maintop("全站备份"); echo "
    压缩包格式为 zipper-年-月-日-时-分.zip 如存在同文件名压缩包,该压缩包将被覆盖!
    " ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function allzip() */ /* */ /* Second step in unzip. */ /****************************************************************/ function allzip() { global $meurl; maintop("全站备份"); if (isset($_POST['allzip'])) { $zippath = !empty($_POST['zippath']) ? strip_tags($_POST['zippath']) : '.'; $zipfile = 'zipper-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.zip'; Zipper::zipDir($zippath, $zipfile); } if (file_exists('zipper-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.zip')) { unlink('zipper-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.zip'); } else { } class Zipper extends ZipArchive { public function addDir($path) { $this->addEmptyDir($path); $nodes = glob($path . '/*'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (is_dir($node)) { $this->addDir($node); } else if (is_file($node)) { $this->addFile($node); } } } } $zip = new Zipper; $res = $zip->open('zipper-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->addDir('.'); $zip->close(); echo '
    压缩包 zipper-' . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . '.zip 备份成功!
    ' ." \n"; } else { echo '
    ' ." \n"; } mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function unz() */ /* */ /* First step in unz. */ /* Prompts the user for confirmation. */ /* Recieves $dename and ask for deletion confirmation. */ /****************************************************************/ function unz($dename) { global $meurl, $folder, $content; if (!$dename == "") { if(class_exists('ZipArchive')){ maintop("解压"); echo "\n" ."
    解压 ".$folder.$dename."
    \n" ."" ."" .""; echo "\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."
    \n" ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("此服务器上的PHP不支持ZipArchive,无法解压文件!\n"); } }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function unzip() */ /* */ /* Second step in unzip. */ /****************************************************************/ function unzip($dename,$ndir,$del) { global $meurl, $folder; $nndir = $ndir; $nfolder = $folder; $ndename = $dename; $dename = gCode($dename); $folder = gCode($folder); $ndir = gCode($ndir); if (!$dename == "") { if (!file_exists($ndir)){ mkdir($ndir, 0755); } if(class_exists('ZipArchive')){ $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($folder.$dename) === TRUE) { maintop("解压"); if($zip->extractTo($ndir)){ echo '
    现在您可以 返回目录
    '; echo '\n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror('无法解压文件:'.$nfolder.$ndename); } }else{ printerror('此服务器上的PHP不支持ZipArchive,无法解压文件!'); } }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function delete() */ /* */ /* Second step in delete. */ /* Deletes the actual file from disk. */ /* Recieves $upfile from up() as the uploaded file. */ /****************************************************************/ function deltree($pathdir) { if(is_empty_dir($pathdir))//如果是空的 { rmdir($pathdir);//直接删除 } else {//否则读这个目录,除了.和..外 $d=dir($pathdir); while($a=$d->read()) { if(is_file($pathdir.'/'.$a) && ($a!='.') && ($a!='..')){unlink($pathdir.'/'.$a);} //如果是文件就直接删除 if(is_dir($pathdir.'/'.$a) && ($a!='.') && ($a!='..')) {//如果是目录 if(!is_empty_dir($pathdir.'/'.$a))//是否为空 {//如果不是,调用自身,不过是原来的路径+他下级的目录名 deltree($pathdir.'/'.$a); } if(is_empty_dir($pathdir.'/'.$a)) {//如果是空就直接删除 rmdir($pathdir.'/'.$a); } } } $d->close(); } } function is_empty_dir($pathdir){ $d=opendir($pathdir); $i=0; while($a=readdir($d)){ $i++; } closedir($d); if($i>2){return false;} else return true; } /****************************************************************/ /* function edit() */ /* */ /* First step in edit. */ /* Reads the file from disk and displays it to be edited. */ /* Recieves $upfile from up() as the uploaded file. */ /****************************************************************/ function edit($fename) { global $meurl,$folder; $file = gCode($folder.$fename); if (file_exists($file)) { maintop("编辑"); $contents = file_get_contents($file); if(function_exists('mb_detect_encoding'))$encode = mb_detect_encoding($contents,array('ASCII','UTF-8','GBK','GB2312'));else $encode = 'UTF-8'; if(htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['encode'])){$encode = htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['encode']);} if($encode!="UTF-8" && !empty($encode))$contents = mb_convert_encoding($contents,"UTF-8",$encode); foreach(mb_list_encodings() as $key => $value){ if($key >= 19): $arr=array('EUC-CN' => 'GB2312','CP936' => 'GBK','SJIS-mac'=>'MacJapanese','SJIS-Mobile#DOCOMO'=>'SJIS-DOCOMO','SJIS-Mobile#KDDI'=>'SJIS-KDDI','SJIS-Mobile#SOFTBANK'=>'SJIS-SOFTBANK','UTF-8-Mobile#DOCOMO'=>'UTF-8-DOCOMO','UTF-8-Mobile#KDDI-B'=>'UTF-8-KDDI','UTF-8-Mobile#SOFTBANK'=>'UTF-8-SOFTBANK','ISO-2022-JP-MOBILE#KDDI'=>'ISO-2022-JP-KDDI'); if(array_key_exists($value, $arr)) $value_text = $arr[$value]; else $value_text = $value; if($encode == $value) $list.="'; else $list.="'; endif; } echo "
    编辑文件 {$folder}{$fename}\n" ." ? ' ."
    ' ."" ."
    \n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."\n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("文件不存在!"); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function save() */ /* */ /* Second step in edit. */ /* Recieves $ncontent from edit() as the file content. */ /* Recieves $fename from edit() as the file name to modify. */ /****************************************************************/ function save($ncontent, $fename, $encode) { global $meurl,$folder; if (!$fename == "") { $file = gCode($folder.$fename); $ydata = $ncontent; if($encode!=="UTF-8" && $encode!=="ASCII")$ydata = mb_convert_encoding($ydata,$encode,"UTF-8"); if(file_put_contents($file, $ydata) or $ncontent=="") { maintop("编辑"); echo "
    文件 {$folder}{$fename} 保存成功!$encode
    \n"; echo "
    请选择 返回目录 或者 继续编辑
    \n"; $fp = null; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("文件保存出错!"); } }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function cr() */ /* */ /* First step in create. */ /* Promts the user to a filename and file/directory switch. */ /****************************************************************/ function cr() { global $meurl, $folder; maintop("创建"); echo "
    \n" ."
    创建文件 或 目录
    \n" ."
    "; echo "\n" ."\n" ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function create() */ /* */ /* Second step in create. */ /* Creates the file/directoy on disk. */ /* Recieves $nfname from cr() as the filename. */ /* Recieves $infolder from cr() to determine file trpe. */ /****************************************************************/ function create($nfname, $isfolder, $ndir) { global $meurl, $folder; if (!$nfname == "") { $ndir = gCode($ndir); $nfname = gCode($nfname); if ($isfolder == 1) { if(mkdir($ndir."/".$nfname, 0755)) { $ndir = uCode($ndir); $nfname = uCode($nfname); maintop("创建"); echo "
    您的目录".$ndir.$nfname."/ 已经成功被创建。
    \n" ."请选择 打开文件夹 或者 返回目录\n"; echo "
    "; mainbottom(); }else{ $ndir = uCode($ndir); $nfname = uCode($nfname); printerror("您的目录 ".$ndir.$nfname." 不能被创建。请检查您的目录权限是否已经被设置为可写 或者 目录是否已经存在\n"); } }else{ if(fopen($ndir."/".$nfname, "w")) { $ndir = uCode($ndir); $nfname = uCode($nfname); maintop("创建"); echo "
    您的文件, ".$ndir.$nfname." 已经成功被创建
    \n" ."编辑文件 或者是 返回目录\n"; echo "
    "; mainbottom(); }else{ $ndir = uCode($ndir); $nfname = uCode($nfname); printerror("您的文件 ".$ndir.$nfname." 不能被创建。请检查您的目录权限是否已经被设置为可写 或者 文件是否已经存在\n"); } } }else{ cr(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function ren() */ /* */ /* First step in rename. */ /* Promts the user for new filename. */ /* Globals $file and $folder for filename. */ /****************************************************************/ function ren($file) { global $meurl,$folder,$ufolder; $ufile = $file; if (!$file == "") { maintop("重命名"); echo "
    \n" ."
    重命名 ".$ufolder.$ufile.'
    '; echo "\n" ."\n" ."\n" ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function renam() */ /* */ /* Second step in rename. */ /* Rename the specified file. */ /* Recieves $rename from ren() as the old filename. */ /* Recieves $nrename from ren() as the new filename. */ /****************************************************************/ function renam($rename, $nrename, $folder) { global $meurl,$folder; if (!$rename == "") { $loc1 = gCode("$folder".$rename); $loc2 = gCode("$folder".$nrename); if(rename($loc1,$loc2)) { maintop("重命名"); echo "
    文件 ".$folder.$rename." 已被重命名成 ".$folder.$nrename."
    \n" ."
    请选择 返回目录 或者 编辑新文件
    \n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("重命名出错!"); } }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function movall */ /* */ /* 批量移动 2014-4-12 by jooies */ /****************************************************************/ function movall($file, $ndir, $folder) { global $meurl,$folder; if (!$file == "") { maintop("批量移动"); $arr = str_split($ndir); if($arr[count($arr)-1]!=='/'){ $ndir .= '/'; } $nndir = $ndir; $nfolder = $folder; $file = gCode($file); $ndir = gCode($ndir); $folder = gCode($folder); if (!file_exists($ndir)){ mkdir($ndir, 0755); } $file = explode(',',$file); echo "
    您可以 前往文件夹查看文件 或者 返回目录
    "; mainbottom(); }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function tocopy */ /* */ /* 批量复制 2014-4-19 by jooies */ /****************************************************************/ function tocopy($file, $ndir, $folder) { global $meurl,$folder; if (!$file == "") { maintop("复制"); $nndir = $ndir; $nfolder = $folder; $file = gCode($file); $ndir = gCode($ndir); $folder = gCode($folder); if (!file_exists($ndir)){ mkdir($ndir, 0755); } $file = explode(',',$file); echo "
    您可以 前往文件夹查看文件 或者 返回目录
    "; mainbottom(); }else{ home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function logout() */ /* */ /* Logs the user out and kills cookies */ /****************************************************************/ function logout() { global $meurl; setcookie("user","",time()-60*60*24*1); setcookie("pass","",time()-60*60*24*1); maintop("注销",false); echo "
    " ."点击这里重新登录"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function mainbottom() */ /* */ /* 页面底部的版权声明 */ /****************************************************************/ function mainbottom() { echo "
    " ."FileBox Version 1.20
    \n" ."\n"; exit; } /****************************************************************/ /* function sqlb() */ /* */ /* First step to backup sql. */ /****************************************************************/ function sqlb() { global $meurl; maintop("数据库备份"); echo "
    这将进行数据库导出并压缩成mysql.zip的动作! 如存在该文件,该文件将被覆盖!

    \n"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function sqlbackup() */ /* */ /* Second step in backup sql. */ /****************************************************************/ function sqlbackup($sql,$password,$ip="localhost",$username="root") { global $meurl; if(class_exists('ZipArchive')){ $database=$sql;//数据库名 $options=array( 'hostname' => $ip,//ip地址 'charset' => 'utf8',//编码 'filename' => $database.'.sql',//文件名 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password ); $mysql = mysqli_connect($options['hostname'],$options['username'],$options['password'],$database)or die(printerror("不能连接数据库:".mysqli_connect_error())); maintop("MySQL备份"); mysqli_query($mysql,"SET NAMES '{$options['charset']}'"); $tables = list_tables($database,$mysql); $filename = sprintf($options['filename'],$database); $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); foreach ($tables as $table) { dump_table($table, $fp,$mysql); } fclose($fp); mysqli_close($mysql); //压缩sql文件 if (file_exists('mysql.zip')) { unlink('mysql.zip'); } $file_name=$options['filename']; $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open('mysql.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->addfile($file_name); $zip->close(); //删除服务器上的sql文件 unlink($file_name); echo '
    数据库导出并压缩完成!' ." 返回目录
    \n"; }else{ printerror('无法压缩文件!'); } exit; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror('此服务器上的PHP不支持ZipArchive,无法压缩文件!'); } } function list_tables($database,$mysql) { $rs = mysqli_query($mysql,"SHOW TABLES FROM $database"); $tables = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($rs)) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } mysqli_free_result($rs); return $tables; } //导出数据库 function dump_table($table,$mysql, $fp = null) { $need_close = false; if (is_null($fp)) { $fp = fopen($table . '.sql', 'w'); $need_close = true; } $a=mysqli_query($mysql,"show create table `{$table}`"); $row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($a);fwrite($fp,$row['Create Table'].';');//导出表结构 $rs = mysqli_query($mysql,"SELECT * FROM `{$table}`"); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($rs)) { fwrite($fp, get_insert_sql($table, $row)); } mysqli_free_result($rs); if ($need_close) { fclose($fp); } } //导出表数据 function get_insert_sql($table, $row) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` VALUES ("; $values = array(); foreach ($row as $value) { $values[] = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'"; } $sql .= implode(', ', $values) . ");"; return $sql; } /****************************************************************/ /* function ftpa() */ /* */ /* First step to backup sql. */ /****************************************************************/ function ftpa() { global $meurl; maintop("FTP备份"); echo "

    \n"; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function ftpall() */ /* */ /* Second step in backup sql. */ /****************************************************************/ function ftpall($ftpip,$ftpuser,$ftppass,$ftpdir,$ftpfile,$del) { global $meurl; $ftpfile = gCode($ftpfile); $ftpip=explode(':', $ftpip); $ftp_server=$ftpip['0'];//服务器 $ftp_user_name=$ftpuser;//用户名 $ftp_user_pass=$ftppass;//密码 if(empty($ftpip['1'])){ $ftp_port='21'; }else{ $ftp_port=$ftpip['1'];//端口 } $ftp_put_dir=$ftpdir;//上传目录 $ffile=$ftpfile;//上传文件 $ftp_conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server,$ftp_port); $ftp_login_result = ftp_login($ftp_conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); if((!$ftp_conn_id) || (!$ftp_login_result)) { printerror('连接到ftp服务器失败'); exit; }else{ ftp_pasv ($ftp_conn_id,true); //返回一下模式,这句很奇怪,有些ftp服务器一定需要执行这句 ftp_chdir($ftp_conn_id, $ftp_put_dir); $ffile=explode(',', $ffile); foreach ($ffile as $v) { $ftp_upload = ftp_put($ftp_conn_id,$v,$v, FTP_BINARY); if ($del == 'del') { unlink('./'.$v); } } ftp_close($ftp_conn_id); //断开 } maintop("FTP上传"); echo "
    "; $ftpfile = uCode($ftpfile); echo "文件 ".$ftpfile." 上传成功
    \n" ." 返回目录\n"; echo "
    "; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function killme() */ /* 删除脚本 */ /****************************************************************/ function kill() { global $meurl, $folder, $me; maintop("删除程序"); echo "
    " ."
    \n"; mainbottom(); } function killme($dename) { global $folder; if (!$dename == "") { maintop("删除程序"); if(unlink($folder.$dename)) { echo "删除成功!" ." 返回网站首页\n"; } else { echo "无法删除!" ." 返回网站首页\n"; } mainbottom(); } else { home(); } } /****************************************************************/ /* function printerror() */ /* */ /* 用于显示错误信息的函数 */ /* $error为显示的提示 */ /****************************************************************/ function printerror($error) { maintop("错误"); echo "
    \n".$error."\n 返回上一步
    "; mainbottom(); } /****************************************************************/ /* function deleteall() */ /* */ /* 2014-3-9 Add by Jooies */ /* 实现文件的批量删除功能 */ /****************************************************************/ function deleteall($dename) { if (!$dename == "") { $udename = $dename; $dename = gCode($dename); if (is_dir($dename)) { if(is_empty_dir($dename)){ rmdir($dename); echo $udename." 已经被删除\n"; }else{ deltree($dename); rmdir($dename); echo $udename." 已经被删除\n"; } }else{ if(unlink($dename)) { echo $udename." 已经被删除\n"; }else{ echo("无法删除文件:$udename 。\n参考信息\n1.文件不存在\n2.文件正在执行\n"); } } } } switch($action) {//$action 为批量操作 case "删除": if(isset($_POST['select_item'])){ maintop("删除"); echo "
    您可以 返回目录
    \n"; echo ''; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件"); } break; case "移动": if(isset($_POST['select_item'])){ maintop("批量移动"); $file = ''; if($_POST['select_item']['d']){ foreach($_POST['select_item']['d'] as $key => $val){ $file = $file.$key.','; } } if($_POST['select_item']['f']){ foreach($_POST['select_item']['f'] as $key => $val){ $file = $file.$key.','; } } $file = substr($file,0,-1); echo "
    "; echo '
    您将把下列文件移动到:' ."\n" ."
    "; echo "\n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件"); } break; case "复制": if(isset($_POST['select_item'])){ maintop("复制"); $file = ''; if($_POST['select_item']['d']){ foreach($_POST['select_item']['d'] as $key => $val){ $file = $file.$key.','; } } if($_POST['select_item']['f']){ foreach($_POST['select_item']['f'] as $key => $val){ $file = $file.$key.','; } } $file = substr($file,0,-1); echo ""; echo '
    您将把下列文件复制到:' ."\n" ."
    "; echo "\n"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件"); } break; case "压缩": if(isset($_POST['select_item'])){ if(class_exists('ZipArchive')){ maintop("目录压缩"); $time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; echo "
    您可以 查看文件夹 或者 下载文件 或者 返回目录
    "; echo '\n"; }else{ echo '压缩失败!' ."\n"; } mainbottom(); }else{ printerror('此服务器上的PHP不支持ZipArchive,无法压缩文件!'); } }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件"); } break; case "权限": if($os != 'windows'){ if(isset($_POST['select_item'])){ maintop("修改权限"); echo "
    \n"; echo '"; mainbottom(); }else{ printerror("您没有选择文件"); } }else{printerror("Windows系统无法修改权限。");} break; } /****************************************************************/ /* function switch() */ /* */ /* Switches functions. */ /* Recieves $op() and switches to it *. /****************************************************************/ switch($op) { case "home": home(); break; case "up": up(); break; case "yupload": if(!isset($_REQUEST['url'])){ printerror('您没有输入文件地址!'); }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['ndir'])){ yupload($_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['ndir'], $_REQUEST['unzip'],$_REQUEST['delzip']); }else{ yupload($_REQUEST['url'], './',$_REQUEST['unzip'],$_REQUEST['delzip']); } break; case "upload": if(!isset($_FILES['upfile'])){ printerror('您没有选择文件!'); }elseif(isset($_REQUEST['ndir'])){ upload($_FILES['upfile'], $_REQUEST['ndir'], $_REQUEST['unzip'] ,$_REQUEST['delzip']); }else{ upload($_FILES['upfile'], './', $_REQUEST['unzip'] ,$_REQUEST['delzip']); } break; case "unz": unz($_REQUEST['dename']); break; case "unzip": unzip($_REQUEST['dename'],$_REQUEST['ndir'],$_REQUEST['del']); break; case "sqlb": sqlb(); break; case "sqlbackup": sqlbackup($_POST['ip'], $_POST['sql'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['password']); break; case "ftpa": ftpa(); break; case "ftpall": ftpall($_POST['ftpip'], $_POST['ftpuser'], $_POST['ftppass'], $_POST['goto'], $_POST['ftpfile'], $_POST['del']); break; case "allz": allz(); break; case "allzip": allzip(); break; case "edit": edit($_REQUEST['fename']); break; case "save": save($_REQUEST['ncontent'], $_REQUEST['fename'], $_REQUEST['encode']); break; case "cr": cr(); break; case "create": create($_REQUEST['nfname'], $_REQUEST['isfolder'], $_REQUEST['ndir']); break; case "ren": ren($_REQUEST['file']); break; case "rename": renam($_REQUEST['rename'], $_REQUEST['nrename'], $folder); break; case "movall": movall($_REQUEST['file'], $_REQUEST['ndir'], $folder); break; case "copy": tocopy($_REQUEST['file'], $_REQUEST['ndir'], $folder); break; case "printerror": printerror($error); break; case "logout": logout(); break; case "z": z($_REQUEST['dename'],$_REQUEST['folder']); break; case "zip": zip($_REQUEST['dename'],$_REQUEST['folder']); break; case "kill": kill(); break; case "killme": killme($_REQUEST['dename']); break; default: home(); break; } ?>